On the eve of tomorrow’s historic game I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed over the last 3 years and more. Tomorrow will start the final chapter in my story, not necessarily my last season but definitely a pivotal point in my journey.
I’ve given everything over the last nine seasons, street fighting daily to achieve what we have, however tomorrow has to be the start of new beginnings. I’ve had great support over the years and in Darlaston an unreal opportunity and level of support most managers dream of, but we have real difficult challenges now, never faced by many of us, so it’s time to either push on or we’ll be eaten up by it - it’s vitally important for everyone connected to Darlaston to put their best foot forward to support and embrace the challenge.
As men we try and be cool and play things down, but tomorrow is the culmination of so much work by so many people it’s untrue, I know we’re not Manchester United, I’m in my lane don’t worry, but to me it’s more important, our achievements have been unreal for a bunch of lads who started over Wednesfield Park 9 seasons ago.
I can’t name them all as there’s been so many; Lee Turton, Stewart Baker, Tom Pinder - 3 unreal friends to me, Alex, Poddy, Mason, Lewis, Peo, Big Miller - all still with me and as committed as ever. Add to that Winner, Rivel, JD, JJ, Rowlo - I feel blessed, to have met some great people.
Ian Homer has been steadfast in his support at a time I needed it and has contributed hugely and is ready to go again.
Finally the supporters who have been unreal, you’re in for a different season please enjoy and support all you can.
Let’s go